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“You know we are all “Ovraz – “سیما پیروت زاده”

The whistling biting wind is blowing, I find my pockets warmer and eagerly look how one can set up the tent…the rainbow tents one is small the other is bigger, among them Ebrahim Khatsmi’s was more nostalgic like those in Arab desert.
There is difference between you and me! you are the man in a masculine society, some pleasure like setting up the tents, singing, to be the guest of moon and stars  or even hearing the symphony of the river is kind of meaningless to you, but for me is the feeling of an infant who starts walking and dreaming about running.
Touching the coldness of the wet grass, the ecstasy of the moon and stars, the whispering of the mountain and the wind all will be kept as treasure in my memories.
There is a difference between you and me! you are looking for a warm place to sleep while i am looking for the answers of my questions, like some pleasures were defined for you but in my case i have to wear the will to push my boundaries wider, you know what boundaries? those that prevent a woman to stay out at night without a man
this time, as the sun was shining ,i was a phoenix to get up  from the ashes of the limited culture, to live the majesty of the field in touch of the orange sky.
This time i was a free woman who decided by herself with her own identity, who appeared from the mask and laughed out loud.
This time i was not…. we were not the fight for freedom we were the freedom itself.
While there was the difference between you and me, however this time you also were tired of the  labeling culture that’s why you had a cup of tea in hand, sitting around and conversed philosophy to be the one who cut of the painful Truman it seems that we are the same now, same thought, same destination and same way. You know we are all Ovraz.

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